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Wednesday, 11 December 2013

How to generate Internet traffic with Selenium - part 2

Since the last blog post on generating traffic with  Selenium, I have been running Selenium and generating page hits for my Movie2k blog post. Using a similar trick as in the Movie2k post, visiting my blog post on using a proxy, via a proxy (Blogception), I am hoping that generating the traffic from random IPs will somehow make my analytics more authentic and propel me up the page rankings.

My blog traffic stats so far

As you can see, I've had over 500 visitors today already! As far as I can tell, nearly all the visits I have had so far have come from my Selenium browser, although some other referring sources have appeared - Google, vampirestats and 7secretsearch.

DO NOT VISIT SITES LIKE VAMPIRESTATS AND 7SECRETSEARCH, it turns out they are malware sites. Thanks to Spam Spoiler and their blog post  I avoided actually visiting these sites myself. For full info, read their post. But it appears that these sites fake a referral to your blog, in order for you to then visit their website and boost their web traffic (as well as hit you with malware).

Sounds kind of like what I'm trying to do, at least in the sense of generating web traffic. Only I am not using malware and I am just interested in learning and sharing methods of boosting web traffic. And even though I seem to be getting the wrong kind of traffic so far, I'm on the map at least!

In total, I have just under 2000 blog views so far, 99% of which would have been generated by my Selenium
code. I have not much luck so far in terms of genuine web traffic, but I think I may be able to boost this further with social media and Selenium.

But before I go any further, I will discuss more details of the Selenium code that I am using so far in the next blog post.

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